Monday, October 5, 2009


We decided to paint our bedroom and we really like it. These pictures didn't do a very good job. The paint is blue not green I'll try again tomorrow!

Fun at Chuck E Cheese and the Parade

This is what we did over the weekend. We started off with the homecoming Parade. Aylah was really funny because when they would throw candy at her she would get it and throw it back! It was pretty cold though, only in Wyoming do you go to a parade with your winter jackets on! Then on Saturday we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's they had so much fun!


Arlin had an Elder's Quorum activity and everyone that had signed up ended up going hunting. So we invited another couple to go and it was a lot of fun. Eben shot his first .22 he thought it was pretty cool.

Hats and Glasses

As you can see I need a new camera, thank goodness christmas is coming! Aylah and Eben love to put hats on and run around. This time it was daddy's turn! And I thought this pitcture of Aylah was cute!