Monday, November 23, 2009

Disney on Ice!

Papa and Gra came and took us to Disney on Ice for part of Eben's Birthday! It was so much fun! I think I had more fun than the kids! It was so cool, if you have not gone and seen it you should definitely go!

Eben's 4th Birthday!

Welcome to Candyland!! We had a Candyland birthday party this year it was so much fun! The kids played real candyland, made candy necklaces, decorated cookies, and ate lots of candy!!!

Halloween 2009!

Wow I'm a little behind on updating this, sorry! Here is halloween we had lots of fun! Eben was a skunk and aylah was a pig! First we went to the Church for a chili cookoff and games, then the Trunk-or-Treat! It was a lot of fun!

Monday, October 5, 2009


We decided to paint our bedroom and we really like it. These pictures didn't do a very good job. The paint is blue not green I'll try again tomorrow!

Fun at Chuck E Cheese and the Parade

This is what we did over the weekend. We started off with the homecoming Parade. Aylah was really funny because when they would throw candy at her she would get it and throw it back! It was pretty cold though, only in Wyoming do you go to a parade with your winter jackets on! Then on Saturday we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's they had so much fun!


Arlin had an Elder's Quorum activity and everyone that had signed up ended up going hunting. So we invited another couple to go and it was a lot of fun. Eben shot his first .22 he thought it was pretty cool.

Hats and Glasses

As you can see I need a new camera, thank goodness christmas is coming! Aylah and Eben love to put hats on and run around. This time it was daddy's turn! And I thought this pitcture of Aylah was cute!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aylah and her babies

Aylah loves babies and purses. My mom says that she remindes her of a little old lady carrying her purse around with those little steps . We went to Park City over Labor Day and went into a little toy shop and the minute Aylah saw these babies she had to have them. She grabbed two of them and started walking out of the store. She is so stinkin' cute!!!

Eben goes to Pre-School!

I can't believe that he is going to preschool! He was so excited to get his backpack on and go to school. He goes Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9:00-11:30. I must say though I wasn't sad for him to go. It was so nice to have a few hours with Aylah and she even took a nap while he was gone. When I picked him up and asked him what he did he said "I played in the dirt!" Then he told me about the rest of his day. However I'm sure when Kindergarten comes I will be a blubbering mess!

Eben's Power Wheel 4 Wheeler

Eben got an early birthday present from Papa and Gra ...a Power Wheel 4 Wheeler! Now he can play with our neighbors without having to use theirs!

Eben and Aylah

I haven't updated our blog in a while so I thought I better get after it! I can't even blame it on having a busy summer because we haven't done all that much. We did go camping up in Lava Hot Springs and of course the very first time we go and sleep in a tent it rains and is 40 degrees WHAT! But we still had a lot of fun. The kids loved camping! However for some reason I left the camera in the car so it wouldn't get lost in the tent so I have no pictures of our first camping trip :( But here are some pictures of the kids and of course Daisy.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gettin' a Haircut and a puppy!

When we got back from N.D we had to go pick up our new puppy and get Aylah's haircut! Our puppy is a schnorkie-schnauzer and Yorkie mix. She is so cute and tiny! We named her Daisy and she has been lots of fun! She will get to be between 5-7 pounds. We got Aylah's haircut at a place in Utah called Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids it is the cutest place to send your kids to get their haircut! If you haven't gone there you should definitely go! The kids get to watch movies sit in cars, elephants, etc and have the best smelling hair stuff...shampoo that smells like bananas conditioner that smells like pineapple and hairspray that smells like vanilla (they have lots of flavors)! I would definitely recommend it!

Our Trip to North Dakota

The navigator!
Playin' peek-a-boo

On Tuesday, June 23 we got an unexpected phone call that Arlin's Grandfather, whom Arlin is named after, was not expected to make it through the night. So I went and got Arlin from work, packed and headed for our 16 hour journey. Arlin's sister and her family followed us there. We finally got there on Wednesday afternoon, Eben had to pee every half hour the last leg of it! Arlin got to talk with his Grandfather and he passed on Saturday morning. Even though we were there for that we ended up having a really great time. I had never met his father's side of the family so that was fun meeting everyone. Arlin's family tree is more like a shrub let's see if you can keep up...Arlin's Grapa and his cousin married sisters, then Arlin's dad and his first cousin married sister (of another family) again. So Arlin's uncle is also his second cousin! HAHA and Arlin's dad his Brother-in-Law is also his first cousin! Make sense?! It has taken me a long time to figure it all out and I'm still not 100% on it! We had a really great time, except for the tornado which I haven't been in since I left Indiana!

Arlin Mowing the Grass!

This may sound quite odd, but Arlin was so excited to mow the yard (about 3 weeks ago)! We have been waiting for so long to be able to mow, so for Father's Day Arlin got a Troy Built lawn mower!

Friday, June 5, 2009


We finally got our sod today! And as you can see it made a BIG difference to our house! We were suppose to have the sod on May 29, but after calling and rescheduling 3 different time it finally made it today! We had lots of help and are very grateful for it! So our outside projects are now complete!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day Out With Thomas!

If you have ever met my son then you will know that he is a huge Thomas the Train fan! I found out that Thomas was coming to Heber, UT so I bought tickets about 2 months before and this weekend we got to go see Thomas! Eben was so excited and had a blast!